Golpe con golpe

Hoy a mitad de clase, frente a todos los estudiantes, por querer sacar la cabeza a estornudar me golpeé de frente, con fuerza y escándalo, con la puerta de vidrio del salón que, de tan limpia, era invisible. Sostener la dignidad y continuar, con chichón y aullido, me ha hecho un repentino súper héroe dominguero. Menso y torpe pero resistente.

Today in the middle of class, in front of all the students, for wanting to get my head out to sneeze, I hit myself, with force and scandal, against the glass door of the classroom that seemed invisible from too much cleaning. Keeping my dignity and continuing, with a bump and after howling, has made me a sudden Sunday super hero. Dumb and clumsy but tough.

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